If you have never heard of e liquid, you may be wondering what it is. E liquid is a popular alternative to traditional alcohol. It is made from concentrated plant extracts and is commonly seen on labels as “e-liquid”. In addition to the fact that it does not taste like alcoholic beverages, there are also some advantages to using this alternative.
First of all, it is easy to understand the differences between regular and e liquid. They are not always advertised as being the same, but e liquid has been compared to alcohol in many ways.
E Liquid is not an alcoholic, and it contains no toxins. Unlike alcohol, it does not cause the “binge” effect, and it does not contain high levels of carbon dioxide. When people use e liquid for several days at a time, they can easily get used to the flavor, which means that they will not have a problem getting used to it. E liquids are great for people who want to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed by their body.
Also, because e liquid does not contain alcohol or carbon dioxide, there is less alcohol in your blood when you drink it. That means you will feel soberer, and that will allow you to enjoy your drink.
There are a lot of benefits to making and using e liquid. For example, it is much easier to enjoy it. Many of the plant extracts that go into making this drink come straight from the plants themselves. This means that you are able to enjoy an authentic taste, rather than a cheap imitation.
Some people find that drinking a liquid gives them a sense of relaxation. There is a reason why many people enjoy drinking e liquid as well. There is no doubt that this type of beverage is not only a good way to relieve stress and help people relax, but it is also an effective way to lower the level of stress and anxiety in the person who consumes it.
One of the best things about e liquid is that it works in different ways with different people. Some people report that the drink helps to calm them down, while others report that the drink causes them to feel calm and peaceful. No matter what you use it for, though, the effects are always positive. As long as you take it in moderation, it can be a great way to make yourself feel better.
So, there is definitely health benefits to drinking e liquid. Whether you enjoy drinking it to relax or to reduce your stress, or you enjoy its taste and convenience, you can be sure that it will benefit you. in one way or another.
In fact, if you like to smoke, you should consider starting a drinking habit with e liquid. Some of the most popular brands of e liquid have tobacco-free options. Many people who are trying to quit smoking, or just who want to replace their current habit, find that e liquid can be a very effective alternative.
Of course, you will want to think about the nicotine content in your e liquid. Some of the brands are a lot stronger than others, so be careful and check the ingredients label before you start.
Be sure to check the label also if you are going to drink the liquid for a long time. Nicotine content can vary greatly depending on where you purchase it. If it is cheap, it may not be as effective as if it was made in a high quality lab. Also, be sure to be aware that e liquid can actually give you a few headaches after consumption.
Also, do not try to buy e liquid from a vending machine, or make sure to read the labels very carefully to make sure that there are no harmful chemicals or pesticides being added to the liquid. It is important that you check the ingredients to make sure that it is safe. Also, make sure that you do not consume more than six ounces a day.
OPINION: Next year’s election is going to be extremely messy.
Think 3am on Saturday night on Courtenay Place. Or any time and any place during 2014.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at a beach cleanup in Wellington. It’s unlikely to be the last cleanup she’ll tackle.
Elections are rarely boring or straightforward. When I joined the press gallery in mid-2017 I despaired at the fact that the first election I was set to cover would be a predictable slog between Andrew Little and Bill English. Then Metiria Turei made a speech admitting to benefit fraud and things got extremely interesting.
But 2020 could well be more chaotic. Here’s why.
Statistics NZ Chief Statistician Liz MacPherson had no real choice but to resign this week.
The report into the census botchup was incredibly damning. And while the problems mostly appear to have occurred one level down from her, you can’t really fire an entire layer of management.
But MacPherson is staying on until Christmas, which means she will be in the hot-seat at the Representation Commission, which decides the boundaries of all of our electorates. This somewhat secretive body is typically chaired by a former judge and also features representatives from both the main parties –this year Rick Barker for the Government and Roger Sowry for National.
This could get awkward, as National is demanding that data from the census not be used to draw up any new electorates. Instead, leader Simon Bridges is insisting that the old electorates – based on the 2013 census – be used in their place. Given the Government isn’t planning on another census until 2023, following through on this could well result in two elections with old electorates.
It remains to be seen how far National will take this matter. It is easy to loudly register your discontent, but going to court or seriously torpedoing the commission is a whole other matter. It’s very hard to imagine the party refusing to stand MPs in any new electorates – probably in Auckland – but doing so would put it in a strange position.
Yet National has the potential to seriously destabilise the election with this attack, and it’s got the Government worried. Even though electorates are extremely unlikely to decide who gets to form governments under MMP, attacking the legitimacy of an election is a potent tool rarely used in New Zealand politics.
The Government can point to the independent report out this week which found that the population data garnered from the census and other sources would be of sufficient quality to build electorates out of, but National’s argument has strong emotional resonance: They screwed up the census, so should we really allow them to screw up the election too? Instead of just attacking the Government, you attack the entire system.
There’s also already-controversial changes to election rules. Since the basket-case of an inquiry into the last election won’t be done in time, Andrew Little has moved to make voting more accessible next election, most notably by allowing people to register to vote and cast their vote on election day.
A study on how same-day enrolment/voting affected the last election suggested it increased turnout by as much as 7.6 per cent – quite a bump – and National MP Nick Smith is accusing Labour of screwing the scrum with these changes, increasing the chances of its own electoral success.
And that’s before we even touch the hot rod of prisoner voting, which wouldn’t actually change the election outcome in any serious way, but could cause serious and sustained emotional debate.
Legitimacy debates are often emotional escape chutes for election losses. You didn’t lose the election because your opponents ran a better campaign, you lost because they cheated. There are plenty of elections around the world where legitimacy debates are legitimate, however – like the United States, which will be running a presidential election at the same time.
Our electoral cycles match up every 12 years. Last time, in 2008, the election of Barack Obama sucked up quite a bit of audience attention from what should be the dominant news story of the year. The Government isn’t too worried about people paying a lot of attention to Trump – indeed, it thinks the forceful contrast between Trump and Jacinda Ardern in news reports will be helpful to Labour.
And National is not the only party partial to attacking the battlefield rather than the opponent.
One of the things keeping Labour up at night right now is National’s bulging war chest and its clear desire to spend that money pummelling the Government with Facebook ads.
Right now these ads are mostly focused on the “feebate” debate, but the battle won’t stay there. The great thing about Facebook ads for political parties is you don’t have to just pick one message and stick with it as you do on TV – you can spread your money across several attack vectors targeted at several sectors of society; for example, hitting the Government on climate change policy in rural areas and rising rents in urban ones. Then, because these ads are so cheap, you can test and refine them constantly so they get more and more effective.
Facebook ads are a bit of a wild west right now, and National is hardly the only party to stretch the truth a bit when advertising. The Advertising Standards Authority has responsibility over them, and has already pinged National for one ad and is looking into another.
But the processing of complaints takes a long while, and to quote Bridges himself, “One person’s misinformation is another person’s fact”. Facebook has stepped up transparency efforts in other countries around political advertising, but these tools are not yet mandatory for political ads here, and no New Zealand-based party has signed on to them so far.
Finance Minister Grant Robertson is right now attempting to set up an independent fiscal unit which would cost election policies for each party, clearly hoping to avoid another “$11b hole” situation. But the legitimacy of this organisation will entirely depend on whether National decides to sign on to it – and there is no reason for it to do so, given voters generally already trust that party more than Labour on economic matters.
The Government is far from blameless when it comes to the chaos that awaits us next year.
Thanks to a confidence and supply agreement with the Greens and NZ First’s insistence on keeping its hands clean from any controversial social issue, we will probably see two referendums attached to the election: definitely one on recreational cannabis and quite likely one on euthanasia.
The Government will say that both are binding. But confusingly only the euthanasia one – which isn’t a Government bill – will actually go into law if the referendum passes, making it the only binding referendum on the table. The Government’s cannabis bill will only be set out in “draft” form at the election, and only “binding” if Labour stays in power.
National has already said that it maintains the right to ignore it as non-binding, as it has every right to do – a binding referendum in New Zealand is a law that is already passed but needs a referendum to bring it into force, not a piece of draft legislation still to go through the rigours of parliamentary scrutiny.
Both sides think these referendums will boost turnout for them. The Greens are particularly keen on the cannabis vote getting out their base and keeping them well above 5 per cent. But these referendums will also bring out serious social tensions, serious lobbying campaigns, and a whole lot of distraction from the actual issues of the campaign.
But all of these factors will fade into real insignificance if the storm clouds that began to seriously gather over the US economy in the past week turn into a full-on storm. If there’s a recession to contend with, all bets are off.
If you haven’t heard about the Super City then you have probably been living in the South Pole. 2010 sees a significant change in the structure of the councils in Auckland that is designed to improve some of the regions major problems like transport and managing growth.
At the moment Auckland is governed by:
Auckland City Council
Auckland Regional Council
Franklin District Council
Manukau City Council
North Shore City Council
Papakura District Council
Rodney District Council
Waitakere City Council
PLUS a range of community boards
From 1 November The Auckland Council will replace the above structure.
The Auckland Council will have two complementary and non‑hierarchical decision‑making parts:
The mayor and 20 councillors from 13 different wards or areas across the region (known as the governing body). Their job is to focus on the big picture and region wide strategic decisions; and
21 local boards (7 of which are broken into smaller areas—a bit like wards but called sub-divisions) that will represent their local communities and make decisions on local issues, activities and facilities. The Boards will have 149 members.
Additionally the Auckland Council will be advised by an independent board for mana whenua and Maori of Tamaki Makaurau that can appoint up to 2 people to sit on each of Auckland Council’s committees that deal with the management and stewardship of natural and physical resource. Pacific and ethnic advisory panels will also be established.
Visit the Auckland Council and Auckland Transition Agency sites for more information or read about the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance
Oct 9, 2010
Welcome to www.elections2010.co.nz. This site will help you navigate your way through this year’s local body elections in October. If you are confused about whether you are eligible to vote, or want to know who is standing for election then this site is for you.
Go to the Who can I vote for? map just to the right—simply type in your address and find out who you can vote for.
If you are standing as a candidate in the elections and have not yet accessed the site contact us to find out how.
Looking for results?
Simply type in your address directly under the map or use the A-Z on the righthand side above the map to find the election you are interested in.
If you want to see the Auckland Council click here
Check out what the Minister responsible for local government has to say about local elections below…
Casual sneakers have become the must have footwear of every woman on the go, whether they’re at work or at home. They are extremely versatile, comfortable, fashionable, and fun to wear. Whether you are traveling to warm or cold climates, all casual shoes will do well with your travel outfit.
There are several types of casual shoes out there in the market today, ranging from traditional leather sneakers, to cotton sneakers. Cotton is one of the most popular materials to use in the making of these types of shoes. However, cotton can also cause damage to your feet. Here are some tips to help you get the right type of casual shoes.
The basic purpose of casual shoes is for comfort and style. If you are an avid traveler, it would be important that you buy comfortable shoes that are easy to slip into and out of. This is the main reason why many women like to wear the traditional white cotton shoes with a leather jacket, and skinny jeans.
While women’s casual shoes are mainly made with cotton, you may also find that men’s shoes are also made of cotton. Although not every man wears casual shoes, they have become very popular amongst guys today. They have many advantages over the traditional white cotton shoes:
White Sneakers: There are many men who don’t like the idea of walking barefoot and it’s the reason why white sneakers have become so popular. White sneakers, which are usually called Vibram shoes, look very stylish and comfortable, especially when you are wearing a formal suit. It is also possible to make the shoe appear more masculine by choosing a pair of black leather shoes, or even a pair of suede.
Sports Shoes: The best kind of sneakers that is suitable for traveling is the tennis shoe or other sports shoes. You can choose a pair that suits your playing style and the temperature of the climate where you are traveling. For example, if you are a tennis player, you might want to choose a tennis shoe with an outsole for extra grip, while someone who plays golf can choose one with an insole for traction.
Womens Casual Shoes: Women’s casual shoes are not only designed to be comfortable but also to look good. A lot of manufacturers are coming up with unique styles of casual shoes for women. If you are interested in buying a good pair of ladies’ shoes, then you can choose from trendy colors, designs, and fashionable designs.
In summary, women’s casual shoes are definitely an essential accessory for every woman. They can help you enjoy travel in comfort and style. You should be careful in buying your shoes because they should be comfortable as well as fashionable.
Shoes that are made of comfortable materials are more attractive to look at. When you are buying a pair of shoes that are made of comfortable material, it makes you feel good about walking, because it feels great. However, remember to keep your feet warm during the winter and cool during the summer season.
You will need to know how to care for your women’s shoes so that they last a long time. Most women prefer to keep their shoes in good condition, especially if you are using them for a long period of time. However, you have to be careful not to get damaged or ripped shoes because they are very uncomfortable if they are not taken care of properly.
You should try to find the right kind of leather for your shoes, since they are the most popular. These are made of suede, nubuck, leather or other types of leather. Just choose the type of leather that is best suited to your shoes.
There are many sources on the internet where you can find all kinds of casual shoes and you can buy online or at a brick and mortar stores that sell these great accessories. Try to compare and search for the perfect pair of women’s shoes that you need.
The Hamilton Dentist is conveniently located in the Hamilton area, just a short distance from New York City. Hamilton Dental Associates is a dental practice that offers affordable dentistry and cosmetic dentistry for patients who have budgets to spend on a smile makeover. “Welcome to Community Dentistry of Hamilton NJ. We are pleased to welcome you to our state of the art facility. We provide a full array of Dental Services for our clients. Most insurance accepted, including NJ family care. Contact us today and schedule an appointment to discuss what we can do for you.”
As with any medical or dental practice, it’s important to check up on the Hamilton dentist before you make your decision to use their services. Check out the following details and ask questions when necessary to ensure your dental care is both safe and effective.
First of all, don’t be afraid to ask about the qualifications of the staff and the practice as a whole. The Hamilton dentists should be licensed and certified and should be members of American Denture Association (ADAA).
Dental assistants who work within the Hamilton practice should be properly trained and certified. These dental assistants should be fully licensed and bonded by the state board.
The Hamilton dental assistant will assist you with the cleaning, filing, x-rays and crowns. They should also have completed basic oral hygiene training and be proficient at sterilizing equipment. Additionally, the dental assistants must have proof of continuing education so that they can update their licensing status.
Before choosing a Hamilton dentist, the dental assistant should go over their qualifications with the State Board of Professional Dentistry. This includes a background check, the dentist’s licensing status, educational requirements and experience level. Any dental assistant who is chosen must pass an oral exam to prove they are qualified to operate the dental equipment in the practice.
The Hamilton practice has several locations and a few clinics that each clinic offers. Some dental assistants are allowed to perform procedures at several Hamilton dentists’ offices under the same roof, and can earn a certain amount of salary based on the number of visits and hours worked.
In addition to being a licensed and bonded practice, the local practice should also have adequate staffing to adequately care for all of its patients. For example, it should have enough dental hygienists, technicians, office staff, and receptionists.
The Hamilton practice should also have a list of current patients. Most dental assistant jobs require you to work within a certain time frame as well as meet with the dentist regularly for an examination.
Another important point to take into consideration is that most Hamilton dentist offices have their own dental hygienist and other employees who are also licensed and certified to perform dental procedures. These hygienists are also responsible for cleaning the oral cavities, keeping the teeth looking great, and taking care of other dental issues as well.
In addition to having a list of current patients, the local practice should also offer an appointment scheduler to help you schedule a routine, regular dentist’s visit or emergency dental treatment if necessary. When you’re selecting a Hamilton dentist, make sure to get a list of questions for the hygienist to help you decide which one is best for your needs.
This list should be specific to the dental care you need and can be made more helpful by listing the procedures you’ll need done. The practice should have an answering system so that you can call and speak with a professional receptionist if you have problems.
Dental assistant jobs in the Hamilton area can be challenging and rewarding. If you’re eager to learn more about the dental care Hamilton dentist offers, you may be surprised how easy it is to find an occupation that suits your needs and abilities.
You can find a great deal of Rhino tutorials at this website. They offer a wide variety of lessons for you to learn. These lessons are designed so that they can be learned quickly and easily and that anyone, including beginners, can take advantage of them.
This is a website that offers lessons in a wide variety of subjects. These subjects include everything from drawing animals to painting, and even to how to paint with acrylic paint. There are lessons that teach you how to get started in these different areas of art, and there are lessons that teach you how to learn to master some of the harder subjects. Whatever you want to learn about, these lessons can be found here on this website.
This website is a great place to find all sorts of information related to this amazing tool. You can learn everything from how to do simple sketches to how to create spectacular paintings. No matter what your skill level is, you will be able to find a lesson that will help you reach your goal of becoming a great painter.
If you are having trouble in one area of painting or another, an online tutorial is a great way to get started. With this website, you will be able to take a lesson in whatever area you need help with. From basic sketching to advanced painting, you will be able to find a lesson that will help you in no time at all.
You will have a learning process that is designed for all ages. This website offers lessons that are easy to understand and teach even beginners the basics. The tutorials will also teach you the various methods used by professional painters in their artwork. These methods will give you ideas on how to do something that professionals do.
With this website, you can learn everything from the history of Rhino to how to use Rhino in the classroom. There are lessons that cover the differences between the different types of Paint. These lessons will also teach you about how to make your own brushes, as well as the right way to prepare these brushes to get the results that you want.
If you are looking to purchase the right materials for your painting, this website has all sorts of materials that you can buy. You will be able to find everything that you need for the most parts of your painting project. From brushes to paint and stencils, and even paints, you will find what you need here.
As you can see, this is a great website to find all sorts of lessons that will help you become a better artist. No matter what you want to learn, you will be able to find lessons on this website.
In addition to offering lessons, this website will also feature articles written by professional artists that have their own websites. This gives you an insider view of what they are doing in the field of painting and you will gain insight into their success in the art world.
Whether you just want to learn about the basics of using a Paintbrush or if you want to learn the history of Rhino, there is something here for you to read. You can find many different ways to help you learn. whether you just want to improve your skills or just learn more about a subject.
Rhinoceros is a website that offers more than just learning. It offers more than just tutorials. They even have a forum, so that you will be able to talk to other people who are just like you who are trying to figure out how to become a better artist.
This is a good website to take advantage of. No matter what your skill level is, you will be able to find lessons that are easy to understand and helpful. Once you have found the right course, you will be able to learn everything that you need to know to become a great artist.
Bedroom furniture is very important in a home because the bedroom is where a person spends most of their time, and it should also be relaxing and comfortable. There are many different styles available, to match the style of the room. The most common furniture pieces are bed, night stand, dresser and chair.
If your bedroom is small and you need extra storage space, a bunk bed may suit you better. Bunk beds are great for small rooms because they provide a place for all the clutter that is not needed elsewhere. They are also ideal for those people with small children. If your child is older or has special needs, you may need a full sized bed in the bedroom to meet their needs.
If you want a standard bed that you can use for other rooms or if you want something that is easier to move around than a bunk bed, you can go for a day bed or a twin bed. You will need a desk to set the bed on, a dresser and a chest for storing clothes. If you have the budget to invest in a home office, then a computer table with chairs may be more suitable for you than a day bed.
A day bed is ideal if you have little kids as they love to sleep in the day. The bed can be converted into a bed at night so you do not need to wake them up. This saves you some money in the long run and allows you to save more money on the rest of the day.
A day bed should have two or more drawers, one side or the top can be used as a dresser. The top or side can be used as a mirror to make sure your hair is styled in the right way. It should also have an adjustable headboard that has a mirror on the other side or top.
A chest is very useful in a small bedroom because it helps you to store more items such as makeup, shampoos, conditioners and even hair rollers. A chest can also double up as a shoe chest. If you are a man who does a lot of cleaning, then this piece of furniture is a must have.
When you are choosing bedroom furniture, you should consider the type of decor you want. A matching bed, night stand, dresser and chair can create a very nice look. If you are decorating a bedroom for children, you may not need a lot of accessories. You can buy an armoire or nightstand that you can fill with toys and clothes if you have them to keep your kids happy.
If you are not buying the furniture to decorate your bedroom, you may want to consider making a list first and making a budget for the room before purchasing anything. This will help you buy what you need within your budget. Some people like to buy a whole set when they renovate a room to add some interest to the room. This way you will not have to buy everything at once.
Buying furniture that is made from solid woods is the safest way to purchase furniture for your bedroom. This is because the pieces will be made of solid wood and the frame will not be vulnerable to any kind of damage. The materials used in bedroom furniture are generally solid wood so the price will be very reasonable.
Bedroom furniture can be made from many different types of wood and the finish of the furniture is important because it makes the furniture more attractive to look at and more comfortable to sit or sleep on. There are many different woods available and it will be up to you to choose which ones you prefer for your bedroom.
Wood is a great choice of wood because it is very durable and hard wearing. If you do not need a lot of comfort in your bedroom then wood is a good choice. If you wish to have a modern design then you may want to choose particle board or laminate wood.
Buying furniture can be a challenge because of all the choices of furniture. If you follow the tips above and do your research you should be able to find the perfect piece of furniture that is comfortable and durable for you and your family.
No matter whether you are looking for a great way to explore new sensations or whether you are all about the more powerful, realistic wand or even a slim and sleek bullet vibe, it is no secret that many people have sex toys that are perfect for every moment and every need. These sex toys are available in a variety of different types, styles, shapes, and sizes, so you are sure to find something that will feel great in your hand as well as satisfying in your partner’s mouth.
If you want to look at all of the sex toys on the market, you will likely be very overwhelmed by all of the options. This is especially true if you are used to traditional toys that involve many pieces that have to be assembled to complete the toy. When you are shopping online, you do not have to worry about this, since most of the toys on the market today are extremely easy to put together and to use.
When you are searching for sex toys online, there are a few things that you will want to pay close attention to, especially if you are looking for a certain product that may not be available in your area. For instance, many online retailers offer products in speciality stores, which means that they are made in the U.S.A. and that you can get the product that you want.
In addition to speciality stores, sex toys are also often sold via websites. You can visit these sites and buy from them directly, so you don’t have to pay a retailer to purchase from them. Of course, when you are shopping online, you can always buy from a retail store and pay through credit card, so you can save money.
There are some other advantages to shopping online for sex toys. For example, you can choose from many different types of sexual toys, which means that you can buy both soft toys and harder toys, and that you can have the ability to try out different ones before making a purchase. Some of these toys come with attachments, which means that you can add a vibrator, a strap-on dildo, a harness, or a whole set of toys that will work to give you the ultimate in pleasure.
In addition to the many choices that you have for sex toys online, another advantage to purchasing them online is the price. Many of these sex products can be purchased as part of a complete package at a discounted price, which can save you a ton of money over buying them all by themselves.
When you are looking for sex toys online, you will want to make sure that you take time to check the shipping and handling charges, as well as how long it will take to ship the items. Be sure to ask any questions that you have about any item you are interested in buying, since this may help you get the item in the mail quickly. Most of these toys come with a money back guarantee if the item is not satisfactory for you, so if you don’t like it or if it does not fit in with your needs, you can simply return it.
When shopping for sex toys online, be sure to take your time and read all the fine print. This is important, since many online stores offer different shipping policies so that you can ensure that you get what you want, and that your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Online stores can offer more variety than traditional stores. While many stores will offer one type of product in many different sizes, many of them will offer a large variety in several different sizes. For instance, many stores offer vibrators for men and smaller vibrators for women. The choices are almost limitless, so that you can find just the right size for your needs.
Also, sex toys online are often cheaper than in a traditional store. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that you are buying the item from an online source. This means that you won’t have to pay the added expense that you would pay if you bought the item from a retailer.
While there are some drawbacks to buying sex toys online, it is certainly one of the best ways to buy them. If you shop at a specialty store, you will have to pay for the item before you can even use it, whereas with online stores, you can try the item out for yourself. You can buy as many items as you want and then return any that don’t fit, so you can try several different types to see which ones give you the most pleasure.